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Dabbling ducks

Unlike diving ducks, dabbling ducks find their food near the surface of shallow ponds. They are often seen filtering the water for invertebrates and plant material, or upended in order to reach the bottom. There are 6 species that commonly breed in Iceland although others are infrequent visitors.
The ubiquitous mallard (anas platyrhynchos) ~20,000 pairs, is the most numerous, followed by the wigeon (anas penelope) ~6000 pairs and the teal (anas crecca) ~5000 pairs.

Mallard Wigeon Teal

These birds can be seen all over the country as can the pintail (anas acuta) ~ 600 pairs, although this elegant duck is harder to find. The gadwall (anas strepera) ~300 pairs, is frequently seen on Lake Mývatn. This bird is often overlooked, at first appearing rather drab. However close inspection reveals beautiful and  complex markings on the drake. The shoveler (anas clypeata) is one of Iceland’s rarest breeding birds ~50 pairs. It is notable for its wide, heavy bill.

Gadwall Shoveler

Images of dabbling ducks

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